Goddess Shift
For millennia, women have been without a strong leadership voice in human affairs. No more! Women are now in positions of power in every branch of government, business, and social organization. They are providing a new style of collaborative and visionary leadership, which is changing the way society functions.
Goddess Shift: Women Leading for a Change is an exciting new anthology that celebrates these values. It includes chapters by women leaders in diverse fields of human endeavor. These range from entertainment (Oprah Winfrey), finance (Suze Orman), government (Sonia Gandhi), sports (Venus & Serena Williams), social change and philanthropy (Angelina Jolie), journalism (Barbara Walters), and literature (Sue Monk Kidd).
In 43 inspiring chapters, Goddess Shift describes the shape of the new human family that is emerging from the leadership of these remarkable women and the very different future they envision for the world we share. If you want a sneak preview of the future, as well as solutions for the most common problems we all share, Goddess Shift will both inform and inspire you.

Indigo Awakening
Indigo Awakening is the inspiring story of Dr. Talty (Link) and her path of overcoming challenges that became the very tools that propelled her into a greater understanding of herself and the world around her. One of the first books to be written by an adult indigo, Indigo Awakening speaks to the experience of Indigos from the inside out, showing how their puzzling and painful experiences are paving the way for the emergence of a new way of being in harmony with self, other, the world and the universe.
is pleased to announce that
A Doctor’s Memoir of Forging an Authentic Life in a Turbulent World
by Dr. Janine Talty, DO
ISBN 978-1-60070-063-7
has been awarded

Do you have a sense that the world is about to change forever?
Do you feel that there is more to this life journey than meets the eye?
Do you sense or believe that you have some part, some role in this global shift?
ReaderViews says, “Dr. Talty has written one of the most exceptional books I have ever read on Indigo Children and Adults!”
Midwest Book Review calls Indigo Awakening “… a fine addition to metaphysical and spirituality book collections.”
Apex Reviews says, “Indigo Awakening is sure to expand the limits of your perception of what reality truly is… “
What is Optimism?
There are people who can lift the spirits of a packed sports stadium with the radiant optimism of their personalities. What does it take to live your life so full of joy that you jump out of bed each morning, eager to pour the magic of your spirit into the day?
In this new anthology, Optimism, world-famous leaders from every sphere of human endeavor reveal the secrets that kept them going during the tough times. People like Robert Kiyosaki and Martha Stewart (business), Mitch Albom (literature), Andrew Weil (medicine), Bono (music), David Sedaris (humor), Meryl Streep (acting), and Kofi Annan (social change), and Caroline Myss (healing) talk to you about how they found optimism in the midst of life’s problems, and how your spirit too can soar despite the obstacles you face.